8th Liberties Fun Run Is Here
Today at 7.45 pm the 8th Liberties Fun Run 2016 will kick-start at the Royal Hospital Kilmainham.
It is estimated that over 1000 participants will take to the road in a 6km run that will take them through the streets of the Liberties and its most famous landmarks.
St. James’s Hospital Foundation is hosting the Liberties Fun Run and all proceeds of the run will go to the GUIDE CLINIC at the hospital to improve the existing facilities there.
The run will start and finish on the grounds of the IMMA/Royal Hospital Kilmainham and runners will pass the St. James’s Gate, Francis Street and the Coombe on the way to the finish line.
Even though this is just a fun run there will be a little “trophy” in store for each runner, gifting every finisher with a running top. Registration will cost €30.