Kevin Street Hotel Development Outrage – In this article, Tony discusses the local residential protests taking place in Kevin Street at the large scale hotel development, which residents argues is too close to their property
A small group of residents in the Cathedral View houses in Kevin Street stage a picket every morning against the building of a new hotel in extreme proximity to their homes. They argue that the construction of the hotel has meant that they have endured extreme noise pollution, the views from their homes being obscured, and that the builders can see directly into their homes. They also have raised concerns about the potential problems that could arise once the 139 room hotel has been built.
The saga began back in 2015 when the Dalata Hotel Group sought planning permission to build the hotel at the site of the old Myra Glass store. Residents in the adjoining Cathedral View houses in Kevin Street registered their objections with Dublin City Council. The council agreed with the residents and refused planning permission. However, later that year An Bord Pleanala overturned Dublin City Council’s decision and granted Dalata planning permission on the grounds that it would “enhance tourism”.
Mary Carney, one of the protesting residents told this reporter that her view had now been completely blocked by the construction site. “I used to have a wonderful view looking out towards Patrick St, and now thats gone” said Ms.Carney, adding “and now the hotel is using the view it took from us as a selling point”. Then there is Rita Kane. Her home is approximately 10 ft away from the construction site. Ms. Kane pointed out that the noise from the building work can be extremely loud, with drilling causing vibrations in the property. Ms Kane’s next door neighbour Kathleen Monaghan is also negatively affected by the noise and the dust from the site.
The residents are also concerned about what will happen when the hotel is built. Ms. Kane said “if the hotel is 139 rooms, and only a small car park, we are afraid that staff and guests will start taking up parking spaces on the estate”. Another major concern is the effect the hotel will have on privacy. Mary Carney’s home will be directly in the purview of guests in the hotel. Kathleen Monaghan is worried about what type of guest will use the hotel; “they (Dalata) told us that there would be no stags or hens parties, but what’s to stop them?” And even if the hotel does not allow such parties, its feared there still could be many opportunities for anti-social behaviour.
In addition to the hotel itself, residents have also butted heads with the construction company Rhatigan. Residents say that despite officially not being allowed to start work until 8am, builders often start as early as 7am. It has also been noted by the residents that construction and delivery vehicles have blocked residential access roads. Other complaints included the attitude of some of the builders themselves. With residents saying that they can be quite rude. We asked Rhatigan if they had any comment on these claims and as of yet have not replied.
The one overarching thing that unites all of the residents complaints is their claim that they are being ignored. “Its like they don’t want anything to do with us” sighed Ms. Carney. Yet there is a quiet resolve among the protesters. They know the hotel is going to be built. So now they are seeking compensation as a means to alleviate the impact of what the residents feel the construction has cost them. They had meetings with both Dalata and Rhatigan in this regard, but to no avail. But still, there they stand, every morning, determined to keep up the fight for what they feel they are rightfully entitled.
This reporter requested a comment from The Dalata Hotel Group about this matter and a spokesperson said the following:
“The site at Kevin street was purchased by Dalata with prior approved planning permission in a competitive tender process. The construction is fully compliant with planning in accordance with Dublin City Council and An Bord Pleanála.
Once construction has been completed, the Group will have invested over €20 million in the area and will create over 100 jobs, many of which will be local.
Dalata has committed to contribute to community development projects in the immediate area”.