A Centenary Tribute for 2016 in memory of all our Irish heroes both male and female who gave their lives for their country in 1916.
A Call of Courage 4th June 2015 by/Tony Gorman
Dublin town 1916 was the place and the year
Where men of true courage stood their ground devoid of any fear
Although they knew they were vastly outnumbered
Fighting side by side as the British cannon’s thundered
A final stand no more oppression
A fight for Ireland no more depression
Rallying around the flag to a freedom call
In the GPO in a fight for all
For no more tyranny could the Irish take
Their blood was spilt for the people’s sake
As bombardment rained and bullets flew
No surrender was the call from the gallant few
Though outnumbered by forces of the crown
They refused to lay their weapons down
And fought till their bodies were wracked with pain
A freedom fight with so much to gain
But through the pall and choking smoke
Their bullets spent and some spirits broke
They marched as prisoners of the crown
As some comrades lay dead on the ground
No true justice came their way
To those volunteers captured on that day
For the British vengeance it was suited
That all these men be executed
In Sackville Street where the blood it flowed
The courage of the Irish showed
They engraved their name in history
In stone so everyone could see
And at Easter time we honour those
Who brought our tyranny to a close
Those heroes of true Irish gender
Who chose the call of NO SURRENDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The following are those executed in Kilmainham Gaol by the British Justice system after the Easter Rising.
3rd May 1916: Patrick Pearse, Thomas MacDonagh and Thomas J Clarke.
4th May 1916: Joseph Plunkett, William Pearse, Edward Daly and Michael O’Hanrahan.
5th May 1916: John McBride
8th May 1916: Eamonn Ceannt, Michael Mallin, Sean Heuston and Conn Colbert
12th May 1916: James Connolly and Sean MacDiarmada
Thomas Kent who was executed on the 9 th of May
Eamon de Valera escaped execution due to him being of American birth.
Michael Collins, Terence Swiney and JJ O’Connell followed in the struggle in the fight for independence and became National heroes by their heroism.
Sir Rodger Casement was tried in London for high treason and hanged at Pentonville Prison on the 3rd of August 1916.
To all these men and the unsung heroes that laid down their lives for a better Ireland we salute their courage and remain in their debut and hope in their centenary year since the Irish Rising the present
Government will remember that they walk in these heroes footsteps and present a better Ireland to the people then they have in the past,
Long Live the Republic of Ireland. May the Irish people find new heroes to guide them fairly and free them from any form of dictatorship in the future?