What is Iridology?
The eyes are known as ‘the windows of our soul’ and this is truer then we realise. Iridology is the study of the iris (the coloured part of the eye.) The iris can show physiological problems, personality traits, psychological problems and how effective your working organs are. It is a holistic treatment and treats the whole person, not just the symptoms. An iridologist will assess you and provide you with a nutrition plan and other natural therapies to help you to get well again. Iridology is about taking care of the person, not the disease. It helps you to understand which organs are under or over active. It also reveals the conditions of the nervous, digestive, elimination, lymphatic and structural systems of the body. The iridologist looks at the irises of your eyes using a camera which is connected to a computer. The camera will photograph your eyes and it will enlarge your iris on the computer screen. The treatment takes about an hour and it is non-invasive. The iridologist will search for signs of illness or a build up toxins in the body. She/he might consult an eye chart to see what problems relate to organs. The iridologist won’t diagnose you with a specific disease, but you will be advised about how to achieve overall health.
Iridology was first discovered in Egypt, China and India about 3000 years ago. Tutankhamen’s tomb (1400 – 1392 B.C) contained silver plates with pictures of the iris on it. Doctors who were practising Tibetan medicine recognised the importance of studying the iris and how it correlated to the functioning of the liver, and blood disorders. It wasn’t discovered in Europe until the nineteenth century. Dr Ignatius Von Peczely, a Hungarian doctor came across iridology when he was eleven years old. He caught an owl but accidentally broke his leg when he caught him. He noticed that the colour of the owl’s iris changed and a black mark appeared in it. He bandaged the owls’ leg and nursed him back to health. After some time he saw that white and crooked lines had begun to form in the owl’s iris, in the same place were the black mark had been. Von Peczely was fascinated by this and he went on to study medicine at the Vienna Medical College. He graduated in 1867 and he began recording the iris’s of patient’s before and after surgery. He published a book called ‘Discoveries in the Realms of Nature and Art and Healing’. He created an ‘Iris Chart’ in 1880.
Nils Liljequist a Swedish boy, became ill as a result of a vaccination, which was followed by doses of quinine and iodine. He observed that drug spots appeared in his usually blue eyes. In 1870 he published a paper called ‘Quinine and Iodine change the colour of the iris’, and in 1893 his ‘Iris Chart’ and ‘Om Oegendiagnosen’ were published.
The Health Status Equation of Iridology is:
Physical Inheritance + Environment (diet, lifestyle etc.) and Emotional/Spiritual Factors + Age.
The four principles of iridology are:
The condition of the nerves
The condition of the blood and lymph system
Adequate circulation
Nutrition – rest quality, breathing – state of mind
Health benefits of Iridology
Skin Eruption
Low Energy
Colic, Diarrhoea
Fevers, Cold, Flu
Chronic Fatigue
Hay Fever