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Natural Homemade Beauty Treatments

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Chamomile tea to lighten your hair

Steep the tea leaves in boiled water for 30 minutes

Apply your shampoo and conditioner and then pour tea onto your hair

Leave on your hair for about 30 minutes and rinse your hair with tepid water.


Black tea with rosemary leaves to darken your hair

Steep the leaves in boiled water for 45 minutes

Use your shampoo and conditioner and then pour the tea onto your hair

Leave tea leaves on your hair for 30 minutes and rinse with tepid water

Honey is a very effective hair conditioner for dry hair. It is a natural humectant and helps to moisturise damaged hair. Its nutrients help to feed hair follicles and encourage growth.

Honey hair mask

1/4 cup of raw honey
Mix ¼ cup of raw honey with water and use a tablespoon to spread it around your hair.
When you’re ready, apply as you would shampoo to damp hair.
Leave it for 30 minutes
Rinse with warm water

Honey facial scrub

Blend 1 tablespoon of honey to ½ cup of sugar and ¼ cup of olive oil
Add 3 drops of either lavender oil or tea tree oil to the mixture
Apply onto your face and scrub your face for about 5 or 6 minutes
Rinse your face with tepid water and gently pat dry

Facial masks for spots

Mix 1 tsp of jojoba oil with 3 drops of tea tree oil

Blend it with a drop of tomato puree

Apply it to your skin

Leave it on your face for 10 minutes

Rinse with tepid water and gently pat your face dry

(Tea tree oil is not suitable for very sensitive skin, use lavender oil as an alternative if you have sensitive skin.)

Facial masks for normal or combination skin

Add 3 drops of lavender oil to ¼ cup of natural yoghurt

Apply to your face

Leave it for 15 minutes

Rinse with tepid water and gently pat your face dry

(Lavender oil is effective for balancing sebum in the skin.)

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