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Latest Homelessness Figures

The latest March Homeless Figures were published yesterday and include the national figures for homeless adults, homeless families and dependents. Minister for Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government, Mr. Simon Coveney, T.D. said the figures for March are a stark indicator of the challenges we face as we remain focussed and determined to address this problem.

He explained: “The 3,052 households who excited homelessness in 2016 is a substantial increase on the 2,300 exits achieved in 2015. This reflects the significant resources being applied and the ongoing work being done by housing authorities and their partner NGOs in assisting households and individual transition from homelessness to more permanent homes. We are committed to a higher number exiting in 2017.”

The national figures for March 2017 show that 4,909 homeless adults, 1,256 homeless families and 2,563 dependents were recorded. The official spring count on rough sleeping revealed that 138 persons are still sleeping rough; this count was done on the night of the 4th of April and the morning of the 5th of April.

For 2020 it is predicted that the Housing Agency will acquire 1,600 vacant housing units and will be funded with €70 million to achieve this goal. Budget 2017’s overall budget for this year is €1.3 billion.

“We remain committed to finding more homes for people who find themselves homeless, we remain fully focused on increasing supply which is at the core of our various housing challenges. There are no quick-fix solutions here but I will continue to work with my colleagues in Government and all stakeholders to address the major challenge that is homelessness,” Minister Coveney commented.

Schemes like HAP have supported 505 households since the beginning of this year, moving families from emergency accommodation into private rented accommodation. Then there is the Rapid Build programme and Repair and Leasing scheme working with the four Dublin Local Authorities to fight homelessness in Ireland.

More good news

The ‘Rapid Delivery’ programme has been extended under Rebuilding Ireland to deliver 1,500 units by the end of 2018. The Department continues to work closely with the four Dublin local authorities in relation to the rapid delivery programme. With 350 “rapid build” homes currently at various stages of delivery, including construction, we expect to see these units occupied in the coming months and a further 650 homes in progress this year, with another 500 units to be delivered in 2018.


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