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Poets Corner: Past Lives And Trades

Custom House with TRAM & MASTS

The days that have past us by, people say are the good old days.

The ways that people worked and lived, is part of our rich history.

The arcs that surround our Cathedrals and churches, where all done by hand, there was no machines them day but at least there was plenty of work.

Boys at the age of 12 or so, learning a trade or down in the mines,

Girls doing needle work, baking, and learning to keep a home,

Craftmen’s ship all around from blacksmiths, to stone masons from the wheel, to shipbuilding, no machines there mate, all done by hand.

What have we taken from this era? What can we pass down to our children’s children?

What did we learn from our father’s father? What trade cane we pass on?

Will we be robbed of our trade, our future?

Will our sisters’ children suffer too? Today we have computers, machines, telephones, but not enough work.

It looks like we have nothing to do and nothing to pass on, and today’s ways may not be mentioned at all, another recession or may be another who knows?

Are we ready for more black and bleak days? Did we not learn from past mistakes, we are we talking them in to the future with us, can we see or cant we be seen.

Fountain News DigitalThis article was originally published in:
Fountain News Digital – May 2011 (Issue 4)

We are re-publishing all articles from our past newsletter, Fountain News Digital, and you can view all completed newsletters here. There were nine issues published in total between 2010 and 2012.

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  1. […] Poetry by Alan Finn: Alan Finn – The Hit Alan Finn – Son, Oh Son Alan Finn – Past Lives and Trades […]

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