The clothes on your back were stolen by an addict, you didn’t give them money you gave them Crack
You are a drug pusher no one wants
Your neighbors happily play along but what you don’t know that they are sticking their dagger in to your back once your back is turned
You’re a drug pusher no one wants
Passing neighbors look what you have got a car, a caravan, horses that are specially kept, motor bikes for your sons
But you are a drug pusher that no one wants
Your wife or girlfriend is so happy she has everything she wants, the latest kitchen and auto TV’s, tiles here tiles there
But what use is it when no one wants you’re a drug pusher
The dole has cut your payments of Job seekers, and your partner has lost her unmarried payments this is typical can’t you see
You are a drug pusher no one wants
The Guards have paid you yet another visit they smashed up your pride and joy, your lovely soft top Bmw, and your girlfriend has just left
Unless you stop selling the crack the brown or the ginger as you call it, no one wants you
You are a drug pusher and your destroying our community so stop what you are doing, and give it some time
Before you know it you will be ok, once you don’t peddle again you will be counted in and all this will just be a hasty memory
Join Us And Don’t Push Drugs
[…] Poetry by Alan Finn: Alan Finn – The Hit Alan Finn – Son, Oh Son Alan Finn – Past Lives and Trades Alan Finn – To The Outsiders Alan Finn – You Drug Pusher […]