The Dublin Gay Theatre Festival will be taking place from May 1st – May 14th.
The Festival was founded in 2004 to mark the 150th anniversary of the birth of Oscar Wilde, in his native city. With an emphasis on new or recent international and Irish works with a broadly gay theme or relevance, the Festival has grown to become the largest event of its type in the world.
The Festival creates new opportunities for visibility and affirmation for existing and emerging gay artists and theatrical works. The Festival’s criteria for inclusion into the programme are broadly interpreted to include works by gay writers, works that have a gay relevance or theme, or works that include either performance or another artistic contribution by gay people.
Participation and attendance is open to all who wish to witness and acknowledge the immense contribution of gay people to theatre in all its forms.
We start with a Free Seminar ‘Love in the Trenches‘, featuring a dramatized reading from World War I novel “Flower of Iowa” by author Lance Ringel. Sunday April 30th @ 2:30pm,
Each week we have an entirely new programme of plays & events:
Week 1 – May 1st to 6th 2017
- €10 matinees on Monday 1st and Saturday 6th at 2:30pm / 4pm.
- Evening performances 7:30pm & 9pm (€15/€13)
Week 2 – May 8th to 13th 2017
- €10 matinees on Saturday 13th at 2:30pm / 4pm.
- Evening performances 7:30pm & 9pm (€15/€13)
We end with our Gala Awards Night on Sunday May 14th as we celebrate the highlights of Festival 2017.
For more info check: