I’m a lover of all kinds in the nature world and hove noticed that there is a distinct lack of bees this year which prompted me to write my poem as something needs to be done to help bees and other insects from disappearing off the planet.
Bee advised. By/Tony Gorman 29th June 2018
We poison vegetation everywhere
With sprays on crops from land and air
From vegetables to flowers in Leas
And killing off our bumblebees
In acts like this they desecrate
And kill the bees that pollinate
The flowers that from the fruit will grow
Without pollination no fruit will show
The poison sprays causes health problems too
They all reside inside of you
They’re in our lungs in the air we breath
A problem that we do not need
We’re filled with toxins everyday
At work, at home and at our play
These insecticides are killing all
So take heed and rally to the call
Of banning things that kill our bees
And put our mind and health at ease