Halloween is almost here again and Teeling’s will be doing their share of the spooking this year with a horror movie night. On the 27th of October the Distillery will host a movie night in their exhibition centre with a cinema screen showing the horror movie The Shining, based on the 1977 novel written by Stephen King, directed and produced by Stanley Kubrick.
The movie first showed in 1980 starring Jack Nicholson. The Shining takes place in a hotel in the region of isolated mountains. He is a writer and takes his family there to look after the hotel during the winter season. The hotel is full of ghosts that are still ghosting since the last caretaker developed cabin fever and ended up murdering himself and his family. The word shining comes from an ability to talk telepathically and the chef Dick Hallorann teaches the boy Danny to use it, he also warns him to stay out of room 237.
Why not find out what lurks behind the door of room 237 and visit Teeling’s for a scary night of movie watching with Popsy Daisy Popcorn, The Hogfather and Dot Brew serving you in the cinema. Tickets will cost you only €10.