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Weekly Planning Lists

Article 27(2), Planning & Development Regulations 2001 (as amended)

(a)  Under section 34 of the Act, the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused.

(b)  It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.

Article 31(g), Planning & Development Regulations 2001 (as amended)

(a)  In deciding a planning application the planning authority, in accordance with section 34(3) of the Act, has had regard to submissions or observations received in accordance with these Regulations”


(b)  It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.

Planning Information Sessions

Qualified staff members are available by appointment to explain the content of current planning applications.


The service is being provided to assist members of the public and residents groups in understanding planning applications currently part of the planning process. The service is not intended to provide general planning advice or to assist in the drafting of submissions in relation to planning objections, observations and appeals.


All queries in relation to site specific planning guidance or pre-application discussion should be directed to the area planner, Planning Department, Block 4, Floor 3, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.


Please contact the relevant area office number below to make an appointment and to ensure that the relevant documentation will be made available on the day of your visit.


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222 8870

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Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3564/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Anville Properties Limited
Location Coach Houses 14 & 15, Rear of 14-15 St. Stephens Green, Dublin 2
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE – Planning permission for development at the Coach Houses, two protected structures (RPS No7772 & 7773), which the subject property is located within the curtilage of, and which is accessed from the laneway between No’s 20 & 21 Dawson Street, Dublin 2. The proposed development will consist of the following: Change of use of the coach houses (no. 14 and 15) to use as a licensed restaurant with a GFA of 258 sqm

– Refurbishment and alterations to the coach houses to facilitate the restaurant use, including temporary removal, repair and reinstatement of original features, formation of internal openings between the coach houses, replacement of floors, provision of stairs and other internal structures / alterations, and new roof structure with existing salvaged roof slates and ridge tiles reused, dovecot ventilation structure and glazed opening to stairs also at roof level.

– refurbishment / renewal / replacement of existing windows and doors, the creation of 1 no. new door opening at ground floor level and 1 no. new window opening at first floor level on the north elevation. The insertion of glazing in the roof gable of no. 14 and the insertion of conservation style rooflights on the southern slope of the roof.

-Removal of limewash and render on the southern facade and repointing of brickwork on all facades.

– The development also provides for outdoor seating areas, a bin store and all other associated site development works and services.

Registration Date 13-Nov-2017
  Additional Information Received
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3671/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Bartra Property Limited
Location 98, Merrion Road, Dublin 4
Proposal Planning permission for development on a site of approximately 0.22ha, located at No. 98 Merrion Road, Dublin 4. The development will consist of the demolition of all of the existing structures on the site (872m2) currently in guesthouse use, and the construction of an infill apartment scheme of 5 storeys over basement in height (4,035m2). The third and fourth floors of the building will be set-back onto Merrion Road. The development will comprise 20 no. apartment units including 3 no. 1-bedroom units, 14 no. 2-bedroom units and 3 no. 3-bedroom units with private balconies/terraces at each floor level. The basement level will accommodate 31 no. car parking spaces (including 2 no. universal access spaces and 9 no. visitor spaces), 2 no. motorcycle spaces, ancillary apartment stores, bin stores and service stores, via a ramped access within the site. The development also includes 879m2 of communal open space. Revised vehicular and pedestrian access arrangements to the site are proposed from Merrion Road. The development will also include piped infrastructure and ducting; 6 no. solar panels at roof level; roof plant; 20 no. bicycle spaces; changes in level; site landscaping and all associated site development and excavation works above and below ground.
Registration Date 16-Nov-2017
  Additional Information Received
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3721/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Staunton’s Properties Limited
Location 82, 83, 84, St. Stephen’s Green South, Dublin 2
Proposal RETENTION – PROTECTED STRUCTURE – Permission and permission for retention of a part single, part two storey rear extension with pitched roof to the rear of existing hotel at No’s 82, 83 and 84 St. Stephens Green South, Dublin 2 (Protected Structures), comprising 19 no. en suite bedrooms (including attic rooms) with single storey link to the rear of No. 83 together with the retention of a replacement water tank at the rear part of No. 84 at rooftop level. Internal alterations are proposed to include the conversion of the existing kitchen and breakfast rooms at basement level to provide three new en-suite bedrooms together with the conversion of an existing bedroom at the rear ground floor level of No. 82 into a new kitchen. Associated works to existing historic fittings such as the sash windows and window shutters at basement level to the front of the building will be retained in-situ and will be repaired and refurbished. Other internal works of refurbishment to the Protected Structures at No’s 82-83 include replacement of existing carpet and provision of new floating timber floor above retained original timber floor at ground floor level and refurbishment of the decorative plasterwork to the cornices and friezes to all ground-floor rooms. Proposed external works of refurbishment and enhancement of the Protected Structures at No’s 82-84 include the repointing of brickwork and cleaning/repointing of stonework to the front and rear elevations. Refurbishment of the front railings, corner posts and corner piers to include cleaning, removal of all defective painting and corrosion, repairs and reinstatement of missing features. Replacement of existing uPVC (plastic) downpipes and hoppers on the front and rear elevations with traditional cast-iron round downpipes and rectangular hoppers. Removal of all redundant cables and pipework to the rear elevations and removal of a redundant access hoist mounted on the rear elevation of No. 83. Repainting of all existing cast-iron soil vent pipes and replacement of all existing plastic soil vent pipes with cast iron pipework. Renovation and repair of all historic sash windows and replacement of 6 No. four-over-four modern timber sash and hinged windows at 3rd floor level to the front of No’s 82-83 with new replicate three-over-three timber sash windows, and replacement of 1 No six-over-six modern timber sash window at 2nd floor level to the front of No. 82 with a new replicate six-over-six timber sash window. Other external works include the rebuilding of the top missing portion of the chimneystack on the rear elevation of No. 84 ancillary site works and landscaping to the rear of No’s 82-84 are proposed, which include the removal of two lean-to timber sheds along the western common boundary and the provision of a combination of hard and soft landscaping within the site curtilage.
Registration Date 15-Nov-2017
  Additional Information Received
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3823/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Future Properties Wicklow Ltd.
Location Units 3 & 4 (ground floor level), Castle House, 73-83, South Great George’s Street, Dublin 2
Proposal The development will consist of:

-Amalgamation of the 2 no. existing restaurant units at ground floor level measuring 85 sq.m (Unit 3) and 101 sq.m (Unit 4) to provide 1 no. single restaurant unit measuring 191 sq.m;

-Provision of a new shopfront (eastern elevation);

-Modifications to the southern and western elevations;

-Internal works including the demolition of attic space;

-And all associated works above and below ground.

Registration Date 13-Nov-2017
  Additional Information Received
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4239/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Balrath Investments Limited
Location 31, 32 and 33 Stephens Street Lower, and 1, 2 and 3 Digges Lane, Dublin 2
Proposal Permission for amendments to approved hotel re-development (ref.3493/15 and amendment applications apply) at The Grafton Capital Hotel, 31-33 Lower Stephen’s Street and 1-3 Digges Lane, Dublin 2, for the provision of 12 no. bedrooms at basement level to replace the permitted gym, meeting rooms and plant, along with associated alterations to the basement layout.
Registration Date 13-Nov-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4241/17
Application Type Retention Permission
Applicant The Front Page Inn Limited
Location The Square Ball, 45, Hogan Place, Dublin 2
Proposal RETENTION: The development consists of retention of the change of use of the first floor from residential to a games room associated with the public house (55 sq m).
Registration Date 13-Nov-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4253/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant JCDecaux Ireland Limited
Location 13, Harold’s Cross Road, Dublin 6w
Proposal Planning permission for the removal of 2 no. existing illuminated 48 sheet static advertising displays (5.2m wide x 3.2m high and 6.1m wide x 3.4m high) on the southern gable wall of No. 13 Harold’s Cross Road (c.7.1m above ground level) and replacement with 1 no. 48 sheet (6.4m wide x 3.35m high) Premiere internally illuminated advertising display; fill-in existing window opening (0.9m wide x 1.5m high), and provide for a new window opening (0.9m wide x 1.5m high) at second floor level on the southern gable wall.
Registration Date 13-Nov-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4257/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Ampleforth Limited
Location The Fitzwilliam Hotel, 128-134 , Saint Stephen’s Green West, Dublin 2
Proposal Development on a site of c.0.26 ha. The development will consist of amendments to the existing hotel canopy, entrance and fenestration arrangements at ground floor level including a glazed lobby extension and extended bay window, together with backlit/ illuminated signage. The development will also include a facade feature at 1st to 3rd floor levels incorporating a backlit hotel logo and all associated works.
Registration Date 14-Nov-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4259/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Ampleforth Limited
Location Fitzwilliam Hotel, 128-134 St. Stephen’s Green West, Dublin 2
Proposal Planning permission for development on a site of c.0.26 ha, located at the Fitzwilliam Hotel, Nos. 128-134 St. Stephen’s Green West, Dublin 2. The development will consist of the remodelling and extension of the existing hotel at 4th – 7th floor levels fronting onto St. Stephen’s Green (c.827m2) and will include:

(i) the framing of the existing bedroom terraces at 4th floor level;

(ii) the reorganisation and extension of the existing bedrooms and circulation spaces at 5th floor level, resulting in 2 no. additional bedrooms, with new bedroom terraces at this level fronting onto St. Stephen’s Green;

(iii) 8 no. additional bedrooms with terraces fronting onto St. Stephen’s Green, a new terrace to the existing presidential suite and revised circulation and servicing arrangements at 6th floor level; and (iv) 6 no. additional bedrooms with revised circulation and servicing arrangements at 7th floor level.

The development will include an amendment to Planning Reg. Ref. 2636/11/x1 comprising the omission of the freestanding lift shaft permitted as part of an extension to the rear of the main hotel block at 5th – 8th floor levels and its replacement with an internal lift shaft within the permitted building envelope at 7th and 8th floor levels. The proposed and permitted extensions will link at the 6th and 7th floor levels, resulting in the enlargement of 1 no. permitted bedroom at the 7th floor level and an overall floorspace reduction of the permitted extension of 109m2.

The development will also include the relocation of existing water tanks at 6th floor level to the existing basement level; piped infrastructure and ducting and all associated site development works.


Registration Date 14-Nov-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4266/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Derek & Martin McCormack
Location Site at Chelmsford Lane, (To rear of 8, 9 & 10 Sallymount Avenue), Ranelagh, Dublin 6
Proposal Demolition of existing workshop buildings (250 sq.m) and the erection of 4 no. three storey houses (2 no. x 125 sq.m and 2 no. x 155 sq.m) with off street car parking and associated works.
Registration Date 14-Nov-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4274/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Allied Irish Banks plc
Location AIB Bank, 7-12, Dame Street, Dublin 2
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission for works at AIB Bank, 7-12 Dame Street, a Protected Structure Ref. No. 2099 under the Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022. The application relates to proposed internal renovations to the ground, first, second, third, fourth and fifth floors, together with all associated service connections and siteworks.
Registration Date 15-Nov-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4275/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant West Hotel Trading Company
Location The Westbury Hotel, Balfe St., Harry St., and Clarendon St., Dublin 1
Proposal The development will consist of change of use for 5 no. existing bedrooms to a gymnasium to include a covered enclosure of the balcony area adjoining to 3 no. existing bedrooms, all of which are located at the 2nd floor level of the site.
Registration Date 15-Nov-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4278/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Shane & Miriam Finnegan
Location Rear of No. 8, Kenilworth Square North, Rathgar, Dublin 6
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of: The construction of; a two storey mews house at the rear; access via existing archway entrance from Kenilworth Lane which is to be retained; 1 no. off street car parking space off Kenilworth Lane; roof to have 2 no. velux windows and PV panels; proposed rear garden and courtyard front garden; all associated landscaping and ancillary site works.
Registration Date 15-Nov-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4285/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Carol Grigor
Location 9, Merrion Square North, Dublin 2, D02 WN50
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of the change of use from office to residential. Modifications will include the construction of a new rear garden terrace with garden room at ground floor level: the demolition and replacement of a twentieth-century 3-storey link of concrete block construction with a new glazed winter garden structure to connect the main house and the historic rear return; general internal alterations to facilitate residential use; conservation and repair of all surviving historic fabric; the replacement of insensitive repairs to the front facade and the installation of new building services.
Registration Date 15-Nov-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4286/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant James Ryan
Location 12, Wellington Quay, Dublin 2
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for: (a) change of use of the ground floor from a shop to restaurant; and (b) the reinstatement of a ground floor window in lieu of non-original door and the reinstatement of a fascia board to the front, north, facade.
Registration Date 15-Nov-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4287/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Mr & Mrs Fergus Jordan
Location Abingdon, 1a St. Albans Park, Sandymount, Dublin 4
Proposal Planning permission for a new detached two storey house of 148.5 square metres on a site of 390 square metres within the grounds of ‘Abingdon’ 1A St Albans Park, Sandymount, Dublin 4.
Registration Date 15-Nov-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4294/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Halstonville Ltd.
Location 16/18, Lord Edward Street (a Protected Structure) and No. 18 Exchange Street Upper (known as ‘Fashion House’) and Copper Alley, Dublin 2
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Development at a 0.11 ha site approximately. The development proposes amendments to previously permitted development (Dublin City Council Reg.Ref. 3448/16). The overall height of the proposed extension to the top of the plant room at roof level remains unchanged (at 22.95 m) and the number of hotel bedrooms is unchanged. The development will consist of internal and external alterations to the existing Parliament Hotel including: change of use of part of the ground floor from hotel use to retail use (60 sq.m); partial reduction of the ground floor level (by 0.14 m); reinstatement/ rearrangement of window openings; relocation of the permitted gym from the ‘Fashion House’ site to the basement of the Parliament Hotel building. The development will also consist of reconfiguration of permitted internal layout; roof plant; and the shop front at ground floor level fronting onto Lord Edward Street and Exchequer Street Upper. The development will consist of internal and external alterations to the permitted hotel extension at the ‘Fashion House’ site including: reconfiguration of internal layout; elevational materials; window openings; design of the main entrance (reducing floor area by 20 sq.m); and roof plant.

The development also consists of the extension of hotel bedroom area at 5th floor level (10 sq.m) and alteration to layout of associated roof terrace; provision of external plant at 6th floor level, and green roof at roof level. The amendments will reduce the overall permitted floor area by 10 sq.m. The development will also consist of all associated site development and excavation works above and below ground.

Registration Date 16-Nov-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4302/17
Application Type Retention Permission
Applicant Tramline Taverns Ltd.
Location 5 Hawkins Street/ 21, D’Olier Street, Dublin 2
Proposal RETENTION: 1 no. surround to existing pedestrian entrance at 21 D’Olier Street and 1 no. surround to existing pedestrian entrance at No. 5 Hawkins Street, with associated lighting, signage and projecting signage, associated with the basement floor premises of No. 21 D’Olier Street and No. 5 Hawkins Street, Dublin 2.
Registration Date 17-Nov-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4305/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Fenderside DAC
Location Site located at Hatch Street Upper (to the north), Harcourt Street (to the west) and a public plaza to the west, Dublin 2
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Development at a 0.1350 hectare site. The site includes the former Tripod bar and venue and consists of the northern element of the platform building of the former Harcourt Street Railway Station. A part of a protected structure is situated within the application site (RPS Ref.3514: former station roof and facade).

The development consists of the following:

i) Change of use of three areas within the vaulted foundation spaces at ground level to retail/ restaurant use (598 sq.m Gross Floor Area);

ii) Change of use of the front of the building (to Hatch Street) at ground level and the first floor/ podium level and second floor/ mezzanine floor to be removed and new floor provided) to office use (1,747 sq.m resultant Gross Floor Area in office use);

iii) Removal of non-original features and interventions in accordance with good conservation practice;

iv) Provision of glazed entrance to north elevation, replacement roof lights incorporated into a repaired and replaced roof as appropriate, glazed arched facades to vaulted foundations on east and west elevations, similar to works previously carried out at the southern element of the platform building;

v) Upgrade of the existing service yard to provide a new public realm space, including the removal of the existing boundary railing and gates, and provision of new paving, steps landscaping and 22 bicycle parking spaces;

vi) All conservation repair, replacement and refurbishment works in accordance with the submitted documentation;

vii) All ancillary and associated site development works.

Registration Date 17-Nov-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number DSDZ4260/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Fulminis Ltd.
Location 1 Hanover Quay, to the corner of Hanover Quay and Forbes Street, Dublin 2
Proposal The subdivision of an 846 sq.m gross floor area existing restaurant and public house into two separate units; one of which will incorporate a restaurant and public house (738 sq.m), the other of which will incorporate a café/ restaurant and ancillary takeaway use (116 sq.m). Other alterations include elevational amendments, and the provision of illuminated signage to both units and the relocation of the air condenser units for the restaurant to the roof.

The application relates to a proposed development within a Strategic Development Zone Planning Scheme area.

Registration Date 14-Nov-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number DSDZ4279/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant KW Real Estate ICAV
Location Capital Dock, Block G, Britain Quay, Dublin 2
Proposal KW Real Estate ICAV acting for and on behalf of its sub-fund KW Irish Real Estate Fund VIII intends to apply for planning permission at a site of c. 0.08 hectares, bounded generally by Sir John Rogerson’s Quay to the north, Britain Quay to the east, Green Street East and Hanover Quay to the south, and surrounding development permitted under Reg.Ref. DSDZ2546/15 (as amended) under construction.

The proposed development seeks revisions to the previously permitted mixed-use scheme, Dublin City Council Reg.Ref. DSDZ2546/15 (the ‘parent permission’) as amended by Reg.Ref. DSDZ3796/16, comprising changes to Block G (café/ restaurant) only, to include: Block G as an amalgamated 3-storey pavilion building with a total gross floor area c. 1,166 sq.m (i.e. an increase of c. 105 sq.m gfa), including: minor northern extension to accommodate new ESB substation and switch room; the omission of the ground floor route through the building, to form 1 no. amalgamated café/ restaurant unit of c. 880 sq.m (excluding bin stores, toilets, lobbies and proposed ESB substation and switch room) with an external terrace of c. 139 sq.m at 1st floor level; the removal of ancillary external terrace area (c. 185 sq.m), increased green roof area (total c. 273 sq.m), projecting screened plant area ( c. 160 sq.m), and reconfigured stair/ lift core overruns and lightbox, at 2nd floor (roof) level; associated building elevation changes; and all associated and ancillary site development, landscape and boundary works, or as otherwise permitted under planning register reference DSDZ2546/15 and amended by Reg.Ref. DSDZ3796/16.

This application related to proposed development within the North Lotts & Grand Canal Dock Strategic Development Zone Planning Scheme area.

Registration Date 15-Nov-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number DSDZ4303/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Accenture Global Solutions Ltd
Location Accenture, The Dock, 7 Hanover Quay, Dublin 2
Proposal The application relates to a proposed development within a Strategic Development Zone Planning Scheme area. The proposed development seeks to replace the existing signage and provide new signage on the existing canopy at the southern elevation of the building which fronts onto Grand Canal Dock.
Registration Date 17-Nov-2017



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4242/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Julie Dineen
Location 24, St Kevin’s Road,Portobello, Dublin 8
Proposal The development will consist of the demolition of an existing single storey extension to the rear of the property. The proposed development includes the construction of a part single storey and part two storey extension to the rear of the house. It is proposed to provide a dining terrace at first floor level to the rear of the house. The dining terrace will be screened from adjacent properties with planting, metal fins and obscured glass. The proposal includes the reconfiguration of the ground and first floor levels. The development includes roof lighting and landscape work to the rear of the house and sundry other minor works.
Registration Date 13-Nov-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4245/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Rosalind Kilduff
Location 27, Saint Mary’s Road South, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for the erection of a single storey extension to the side and rear of existing dwelling and all associated site works at 27 St. Marys Road South, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4. This property is recorded as a listed building in the current Dublin City Council Record of Protected Structures.
Registration Date 13-Nov-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4264/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Martin Treacy
Location 2, Pigeon House Road, Ringsend, Dublin 4
Proposal Demolition of the existing single storey extension, and the construction of a new two storey extension to the rear of the existing terraced house, 3 no. new rooflights to the front of the existing roof, raising the existing roof ridge height by approx. 770 mm, the provision of a new staircase, associated internal remodelling, repair, and refurbishment of the existing dwelling and elements, and all associated site works.
Registration Date 14-Nov-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4272/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Madeleine Moore & Oliver Comerford
Location Rear 44, Mountpleasant Avenue Lower, Dublin 6
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE.  The development will consist of work within the curtilage of a protected structure as follows: Demolition of part of existing boundary wall between nos 44 and 45 within the footprint of the proposed development (Permission already granted under PP 2610/11 to 45 Mountpleasant Ave). Construction of two storey pitched and flat roofed artists studio, workshopand family room. New pedestrian gate and ope to existing wall to Fortescue Lane. Existing vehicular access and parking space from Fortescue Lane retained. A parallel application is being lodged for refurbishment, alterations and extension to main house.
Registration Date 15-Nov-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4273/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Madeline Moore and Oliver Comerford
Location 44, Mountpleasant Avenue Lower, Dublin 6, rear of site on to Fortescue Lane.
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE.  The development will include:

(i) Removal of existing non-original single-storey extension to rear and excavation to part of garden to rear lower ground floor level.

(ii) Construction of new single and part two storey extension to rear, with rooflights.

(iii) Widened ope at Lower Ground Floor proposed to link extension to main dwelling.

(iv) Reversion to single occupancy dwelling and associated restoration, conservation repair and refurbishment including, front railings and balustrade.

(v) Existing rooflights re-positioned and new dormer window in roof to rear, new conservation rooflights to front.

(vi) Removal of non-original windows and doors to front and rear and reinstatement of timber hardwood sliding sash windows, front door and doorcase, and door to Lower Ground Floor.

(vii) Lowered cill to lower ground floor window to front.

(viii) Internal modifications to the existing dwelling including removal of non-original partitions, non-original ceilings, widening of existing opes and creation of new partitions and staircase connecting  raised to Lower Ground Floor.

(ix) Landscaping to front and rear, SUDS drainage and all associated site development works.

(x)  Associated work, conservation, repair and ancillary works.

A parallel application is being lodged for an artists’ studio, workshop and family room at the rear of the site.

Registration Date 15-Nov-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4273/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Madeline Moore and Oliver Comerford
Location 44, Mountpleasant Avenue Lower, Dublin 6, rear of site on to Fortescue Lane.
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will include: (i) Removal of existing non-original single-storey extension to rear and excavation to part of garden at rear Lower Ground Floor level. (ii) Construction of new single and part two-storey extension to rear, with rooflights. (iii) Widened ope at Lower Ground Floor proposed to link extension to main dwelling. (iv) Reversion to single occupancy dwelling and associated restoration, conservation repair and refurbishment including, front railings and balustrade. (v) Existing rooflights re-positioned and new dormer window in roof to rear, new conservation rooflights to front. (vi) Removal of non-original windows and doors to front and rear and reinstatement of timber hardwood sliding sash windows, front door and doorcase, and door to Lower Ground Floor. (vii) Lowered cill to lower ground floor window to front. (viii) Internal modifications to the existing dwelling including removal of non-original partitions, non-original ceilings, widening of existing opes and creation of new partitions and staircase connecting Raised to Lower Ground Floor. (ix) Landscaping to front and rear, SUDs drainage and all associated site development works. (x) Associated work, conservation, repair and ancillary works. A parallel application is being lodged for an artists’ studio, workshop and family room at the rear of the site.
Registration Date 15-Nov-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4283/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Ralph Bingham & Hilary Barry
Location 19, Herbert Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Proposal Permission for modifications and extension to existing residential dwelling comprising the demolition of the existing 5sqm boiler room and tank and construction of new 7.8sqm storeroom to the side of house, 5.4sqm ground floor extension to the rear, 10sqm first floor bedroom extension to the rear and new 27sqm bedroom in second floor dormer/mansard roof over existing flat roof and associated internal modifications and external elevational treatment.
Registration Date 15-Nov-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4288/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Patrick Dicker
Location 74, Clarence Mangan Road, Blackpits, Dublin 8
Proposal The development will consist of repairs to the existing fire damaged house, demolition of the existing single storey rear extension, a new two storey extension with rooflight to the side and a new single storey extension to the rear of the existing house, a new driveway entrance and car port and associated site works.
Registration Date 16-Nov-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4295/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant Dee Dunne
Location 39, Anna Villa, Ranelagh, Dublin 6
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist a one storey extension to the rear at lower ground level and alterations to the interior including reinstating the two existing flats at first floor and upper ground floor level into a single family dwelling. Permission is required also for the inclusion of a one bedroom granny flat at lower ground level.
Registration Date 16-Nov-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4299/17
Application Type Retention Permission
Applicant Aoibhinn Finlay & Marc Caron
Location 3, Pearse Square, Dublin 2
Proposal RETENTION PERMISSION: PROTECTED STRUCTURE; A single storey pitched roof ground level extension which consists of a basthroom to rear of property and all associated site works.
Registration Date 17-Nov-2017
Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4304/17
Application Type Permission
Applicant David & Karen Ledwidge
Location Linden Lodge, 23, Park Avenue, Sandymount, Dublin 4
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE; The development will consist of (A) Demolition of existing conservatory to rear and shed to side; (B) Refurbishment to existing  house including new M&E services installation throughout; Door and window refurbishment; Replacement of  existing modern / PVC window; New insulated concrete slab and damp-proofing to lower floor level only to replace existing un-insulated slab; Non-intrusive insulation in select areas; Redecoration throughout; (C) Minor alterations including re-arrangement of unoriginal kitchen and living spaces to rear; New internal partitions in select areas to tie in with proposed new layout; (D) New extensions including new two storey extensions to side and rear with zinc and slate roofs respectively and with dormer windows and roof lights; Single storey extensions to rear including new full length glazed bays and zinc canopy roofs; ( E) Widening of front gates to facilitate safe access and egress; (F) All associated landscaping, drainage and miscellaneous works including a new side entrance gate.
Registration Date 17-Nov-2017


LAWS:                          ***NONE***


SAWS:                          ***NONE***





Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 0358/17
Application Type Section 5
Decision Grant  Exemption Certificate
Decision Date 14-Nov-2017
Applicant Brendan Timbs Esq.
Location 63, Rathfarnham Road, Terenure, Dublin 6w
Proposal EXPP: Proposed new single storey extension at rear, 38 sq.m and new part first floor extension 1.96 sq.m.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 0397/17
Application Type Section 5
Decision Grant  Exemption Certificate
Decision Date 13-Nov-2017
Applicant Landmark Investment Co. Ltd
Location 1997 Basement,Merrion Hotel, 21-24, Merrion Street, Dublin 2
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: EXPP: Is the following considered to be exempted development or development? Alterations and refurbishments to the 1997 Basement at the Merrion Hotel to upgrade the existing spa.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 0403/17
Application Type Section 5
Decision Grant  Exemption Certificate
Decision Date 16-Nov-2017
Applicant The National Bahá’i Centre
Location 24, Burlington Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Proposal EXPP:PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Install a 4.5 m x 3 m x 2.8 m high roofed shed to be used for storage. The centre runs occasional meetings and needs storage space for furniture.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 0428/17
Application Type Social Housing Exemption Certificate
Decision Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert
Decision Date 14-Nov-2017
Applicant Vincent Gough
Location Side of 7, Larkfield Gardens, Harolds Cross, Dublin 6w
Proposal SHEC:Permission to construct a 2 storey detached pitched roofed dwelling, with two new vehicular entrances [to serve existing & proposed dwellings].



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2419/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 16-Nov-2017
Applicant Adrian O’ Connor
Location 55, South Dock Street, Ringsend, Dublin 4
Proposal The development will consist of a two storey and single storey extension to the rear with an attic conversion and dormer extension to the rear of an existing two storey terraced dwelling.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2653/17
Application Type Retention Permission
Decision Date 14-Nov-2017
Applicant Brenda Ryan
Location No’s 91 & 92 Camden Street Lower, Dublin 2 and No’s 1, 2 and 3 Camden Row, Dublin 8
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: PERMISSION & RETENTION PERMISSION: Planning permission for development at Numbers 91 and 92 Camden Street Lower, Dublin 2 and Numbers 1, 2 and 3 Camden Row, Dublin 8. Nos 91 and 92 Camden Street Lower and Nos 1 and 2 Camden Row are protected structures. Ryan’s Public House currently occupies the ground floor of No 92 Camden Street Lower, and Nos 1 and 2 Camden Row. The Butchers Pantry Delicatessen occupies the ground floor of No. 91 Camden Street Lower. There are various buildings associated with these primary structures including link building between No. 92 Camden Street Lower and No. 1 Camden Row, three cottages, a former abattoir and laneway. The proposed development comprises of the following: (1) No. 91 Camden Street Lower (including cottages and abattoir to rear) (Butchers Pantry Delicatessen): (a) Retention of shopfront and non illuminated fascia signage; (b) At Ground Floor – Retention of change of use from retail use to use as cafe/deli (42 sq.m) and associated refurbishment works to the interior and exterior; Retention of external seating area (22 sq.m) and permission for seating associated with cafe within first cottage (18 sq.m); Permission to construct a disabled w/c within the second cottage to serve cafe/deli; Permission for the restoration and refurbishment of the former abattoir including structural support to the roof and provision of further seating for the cafe/deli use (32 sq.m); Permission for the provision of a gate between former abattoir and laneway adjacent to No. 3 Camden Row; (c) At first floor level (including cottages) – Permission for change of use from storage and offices associated with cafe/deli to facilitate the use as a seating area (71 sq.m, including cottages) associated with the ground floor cafe/deli, and associated refurbishment works; (d) The proposed development includes the works to the roof of No.91 Camden Street as required by conditions attached to Reg. Ref: 3512/13. (2) No.92 Camden Street Lower and No’s 1 and 2 Camden Row (Ryan’s Public House) – (a) At Ground Floor – Permission for refurbishment works to the existing public house including removal of W/C; amendments to internal walls/partitions; removal of non historic stair access to first floor level of No. 1 Camden Row; and replacement of non historic stair access to first floor level with access from Number 2 Camden Row; (b) At First Floor, Second and Third Floors – Permission for change of use of part of first floor area (56 sq.m) from public house use (kitchen and offices associated with the public house) to residential use (3 no. bed residential unit of 194 sq.m gross over first, second and third floors), to include provision of private external terrace at first floor above link building between No. 92 Camden Street Lower and No. 1 Camden Row. There is an existing residential use at second and third floors and permission is sought for upgrade and refurbishment works to second and third floors. (3) No.1 and 2 Camden Row – (a) Permission for change of use of part of first floor level (26 sq.m) from bar use (existing w/c facilities and circulation) to residential use (a 2 no. bedroom residential unit of 97 sq.m gross over first and second floors). Residential use is already existing at first and second floor level; (b) At ground floor permission is sought for works to existing ope to No. 2 Camden Row to improve accessibility, including new staircase for access to residential use above; and access into No. 3 Camden Row; (b) Permission to close up 2 no. existing non-original window opes at ground floor at No. 2 Camden Row; (c) Permission for 2 no. new windows to west elevation of No. 2 at second floor. (4) No.3  Camden Row – (a) Permission is sought for change of use of existing storage use to public house seating area and wc facilities (24 sq.m gross); permission for removal of non-original roof and replacement with suitable traditional slate roof; (b) Permission for removal of non-original flat roof over lane adjacent to No. 3 Camden Row. (5) Permission for restoration of existing historic timber gate to Camden Row from the lane to the side of No. 3 Camden Row. Permission for provision of external space in laneway (16 sq.m) to west of No.3 for use by Ryan’s Public House. (6) Permission for elevational amendments to No. 92 Camden Street Lower and Nos 1, 2 and 3 Camden Row and link building comprising; repair and reinstatement of original shopfronts at No 92 Camden Street Lower, including replacement signage to the public house; reinstatement of original lime render at No. 3 Camden Row; the removal of the shopfront at No. 1, No. 2 Camden Row and the link building and; the repair and cleaning of the original brickwork. (7) All associated and ancillary works, including site development works and repairs to existing structures.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2950/12/X1
Application Type Extension of Duration of Permission
Decision Date 14-Nov-2017
Applicant Ronan Desmond
Location 11, Rathdown Park, Terenure, Dublin 6w
Proposal EXT.OF DURATION: Permission for an increase in the width of the existing front gateway, dishing of the public footpath and all associated alterations to the driveway.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3140/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 15-Nov-2017
Applicant City Break Apartments
Location 12 Leinster Street South, Dublin 2, D02 H367
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission for a change of use at 12 Leinster Street South, Dublin 2, D02 H367 (A Protected Structure). From Current Office/Travel Agents to Self-Catered short stay holiday let studio apartments with associated ancillary services.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3345/12/X1
Application Type Extension of Duration of Permission
Decision Date 14-Nov-2017
Applicant Mr & Mrs William Gallagher
Location 172, Rathgar Road, Dublin 6
Proposal EXTENSION OF DURATION : PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Currently the basement is two self contained units and the ground and first floor is residential.  The development will consist of the demolition of the existing flat roof three storey rear extension and exterior stairs (area 46sqm) to allow for a new flat roof two storey rear extension (area 46sqm) with hardwood double glazing to rear and south side and solid wall with one opaque window to North side and the re-instatement of a window to first floor landing.  Allow for extending basement lightwell to rear and new garden layout.  Allow for a new roof with the salvaged slates and new slates to match. Allow for the removal of 20th c. windows to rear to allow for new 1/1 hardwood sash windows.  Allow for new hardwood timber doors to rear of basement and the reconfiguration of the basement into the main house.  Allow for repair of original windows to the front and new sash windows to the basement and closing of 20th c. doors to basement.  Allow for reinstatement of door and window and window to beneath front steps.  Allow for the conservations of the Mews structure with new slate roof with 4 No. velux and new mezzanine floor.  Allow for new full height double glazed glass screen with doors to south side of mews and repair of stone walls and reinstatement of existing windows and existing doors and existing courtyard.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3496/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 13-Nov-2017
Applicant Louis Burke and Emer O’Shaughnessy
Location 52, Moyne Road, Ranelagh, Dublin 6
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for internal modifications, refurbishment and extensions to 52 Moyne road, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 which is a Protected Structure. The internal modifications include the removal of the chimney stack to the kitchen area, the rearrangement of the partition layout at both ground & first floor level and the relocation of the stair flight to the high level bathroom. The refurbishment will include new roof slates, a new conservation standard replacement roof light and new lead to the valley. The conservatory and single storey extension to the rear is to be demolished to facilitate the construction of a new 50sq.m. single storey kitchen & breakfast room extension and a 10.5sq.m. Bathroom extension over accessed from the staircase half landing between ground and first floor level. The proposals also include the removal of the existing shed structures to the rear to facilitate the construction of a new 30sq.m. single storey garage/store accessed from the service laneway.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3886/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 13-Nov-2017
Applicant Woodberry Ireland Capital Ltd.
Location 33, Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin 2
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of:

i) Change of use at lower ground floor from residential to office use, together with internal partitioned layout;

ii) Alterations at lower ground floor level to comprise removal of non-original double glazed door and glazed side panels on the rear elevation of the main building, to allow reinstatement of original window ope comprising sliding sash window, stone cill and brickwork to cill level; alterations to non-original glazed screen to the interior of the building, at the division of the main building with the rear return, allowing the reinstatement of an original internal ope; installation of new fire-rated lobby within the rear return;

iii) Alterations at first floor level to comprise removal of non-original double glazed doors and ‘juliet balcony’ on the rear elevation of the main building to allow re-instatement of original projecting bay window; and

iv) All ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development.

The development does not result in any change to the floor area or footprint of the building, nor any alterations to the front facade.




Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3887/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 13-Nov-2017
Applicant Anna Molony
Location 7, Cormac Terrace, Terenure, Dublin 6w
Proposal Removal of existing single storey rear extensions and construction of new flat roof single storey extension (12.3 sq.m), provision of 2 no. new rooflights on rear roof of existing cottage and all associated site works.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3890/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 14-Nov-2017
Applicant Claire Mahony & Andrew McGarry
Location Garden Apartment, 30, Elgin Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of the refurbishment, minor extension at upper level and internal alterations to the existing duplex basement apartment previously granted (planning ref. no. 3225/98), to include the removal of non-original fireplace surrounding, the re-position of entrance door (non-original) to allow new layout, removal of non-original staircase and provision of new staircase, new opening at garden level, new fenestration to accommodate the new layout at basement and upper level, the modification of the rear roof pitch to incorporate the addition of No. two roof lights and the removal of a palm tree at rear. Provide all associated rewiring, re-plumbing and redecoration throughout property and all ancillary site work.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3892/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 14-Nov-2017
Applicant John Curran
Location 26, Fitzwilliam Lane, Dublin 2
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: To demolish an existing 3-storey mews house (102 sq.m) and replace with a new 3-storey over basement building consisting of 3 residential units with 2 no. 3-storey duplex units (a 3-bed unit and a 2-bed unit) together with a single-level top floor 2-bed apartment, all totalling 339 sq.m, all with private balconies facing southwest, together with all associated site works. The existing dwelling is within the curtilage of a protected structure at 26 Baggot Street Lower, Dublin 2, D02 P211 (RPS Ref. 350).



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3893/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 14-Nov-2017
Applicant Peter Lacy & Irene Leonard
Location 6, Nutley Road, Dublin 4
Proposal Demolition of an existing single storey extension to the rear, demolition of shed and boiler house to the rear and construction of a larger single storey extension to the rear, demolition of existing flat roofed single storey annex to the front and side, and construction of a two storey extension to the front and side and construction of a single storey porch area to the front and single storey shed and gates to the side, installation of 1 roof light to the side, removal of 1 chimney, addition of external insulation, remodelling of existing windows to ground and first floor to sides, front and back, relocating and widening vehicular access to 3.4 metres, new gate piers, gates and railings, landscaping including timber fencing to boundary walls and associated site works.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3895/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 14-Nov-2017
Applicant Bartra Property Ltd.
Location 32, Morehampton Lane, ( rear of 14,18,20 & 22 of Morehampton Road), Dublin 4
Proposal Planning Permission has been granted under Dublin City Council Reg. Ref 2021/15 for the demolition of existing house and garden shed and construction of 4 new detached houses as follows;3 no. 4 bedroom 3-storey houses, 1 no. 3  bedroom 2-storey house, including new boundary wall, 8 new car parking spaces with entrance gates to Morehampton Lane , landscaping and ancillary site works. The proposed development involves the amendments of this permission  ( 2021/15). The proposed amendments are as follows:1. The recess in the corner of the kitchen to the rear of the house is omitted. 2 A WC and cloakroom are added to the side of each of the houses . 3 The windows on the northwest elevation of houses 1,2 and 3 are omitted. 4 . The walls and entrance gates to the Morehampton Lane boundary are altered. 5. The recess to the top floor windows of each house is omitted. 6. The arrangement of windows to the southeast elevation of the first floor of houses 1,2 and 3 is amended. 7. The chimneys to all houses are omitted .



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3903/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 15-Nov-2017
Applicant Kateo Investments Ltd.
Location JJ  Smyth’s Pub, 12 Aungier Street, and the corner of Longford Street Little, Dublin 2
Proposal Development will consist of demolition & removal of the existing second floor substandard temp structure (i) new second and third floor to the rear of existing four storey building (ii) new fourth floor and new set back fifth floor to rear and over existing building all to accommodate a total of 19no. short term accommodation bedrooms over JJ’s pub in a six storey building over basement (iii) new extension to basement to facilitate new lift core and stairs serving all floors (iv) internal modifications and refurbishment on all floors to facilitate new development use (v) renovation of pub, new pub facade facing onto Longford Street Little and minor alterations to existing facade facing onto Aungier Street (vi) new finishes to include part architectural metal cladding and self coloured render with new windows throughout along with all ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3906/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 15-Nov-2017
Applicant Lispopple Point Ltd.
Location McCloskeys, 83/85, Morehampton Road, Donnybrook, Dublin 4
Proposal Partial demolition of existing building , retention of existing redbrick front facade, gable, chimneys and basement to a 1-3 storey, mid-terraced building, and construction of 3 no. buildings with solar panels containing 1 no. retail unit with basement storage, 9 no. residential units, Block A, fronting Morehampton Road, is 3-storey over existing basement ( 98sq.m) with new 68sq.m retail unit and signage to ground floor accessed from Morehampton Road, 2 No. 2-bed duplexes to 1st and 2nd floors including balconies. All residential units are accessed through a new pedestrian access gate under Block  A from Morehampton Road. Block B, is 4-storey with 1 no. roof light with set-back to the 4th floor, consisting of 2 no. 1-bed + study and 2 no.2-bed apartments including balconies. Block C is 3-storey with 2 no. roof lights consisting of 1 no. 2-bed apartment to the ground floor, 1 no. 1-bed + study and 1 no.2-bed duplexes to the 1st and 2nd floors including balconies. A new pedestrian service access and a new single storey bin store, with service door, onto the existing laneway to the north-west of the site, accessed from Marlborough Road. 10 no. bicycle spaces are accommodated within 2 no. landscaped external courtyards in-between blocks. All associated site works.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3907/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 15-Nov-2017
Applicant Grainne Clohessy
Location 51 Merrion Square, Dublin 2
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Construction of a balcony with lead roof at first floor level to the rear and all associated site works to an existing 4 storey over basement terraced dwelling.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3912/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 16-Nov-2017
Applicant Woodberry Ireland Capital Limited
Location 33, Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin 2
Proposal RETENTION & PERMISSION: PROTECTED STRUCTURE; Retention permission for existing internal layout of third floor level office space; (ii) retention permission for 2 no. existing roof lights and associated light wells on the north-western facing inner roof slope of the main double roof; and (iii) permission for 2 no. fire rated internal doors to replace 2 no. non-original drop-down shutters all at third floor level.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3914/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 16-Nov-2017
Applicant College Green Hotel Ltd
Location The Westin Hotel 1-5 & 5a College Street, 35-41, Westmoreland Street, 32-37 Fleet Street, Dublin 2
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE; College Green Hotels Ltd. intends to apply for permission for development at the Westin Hotel at 1-5 & 5a College Street which includes 1-2 College Street a Protected Structure (facade only) and 5 College Street a Protected Structure, 35-41 Westmoreland Street which includes 35-36 Westmoreland Street a Protected Structure & 40-41 Westmoreland Street a  Protected Structure (facade only)and 32-37 Fleet Street which includes 33-36 Fleet Street a Protected Structure, Dublin 2 . The development will consist of the following : internal modifications to the hotel at mezzanine level, consisting of the change of use and conversion of existing office and support areas ( 1146m2 ) to provide 19 no. new bedrooms, and an expansion to the atrium lounge.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3919/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 17-Nov-2017
Applicant Michael McGuinness
Location 14, Leinster Road West, Rathgar, Dublin 6
Proposal Planning permission for the replacement of the existing flat roof garage/ shed (34.5m2 – with an existing roof height of 2.9m above laneway), fronting on to Kenilworth Lane West, with a new pitched roof 2-storey studio apartment (ridge height 5.6m above laneway – including mezzanine loft with Velux roof Light) (44m2), for residential use, as an extension to the main house, on the same footprint. The existing access from Kenilworth Lane West will be maintained.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3922/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 17-Nov-2017
Applicant Liam and Orla Lenehan
Location 221 – 223, Rathmines Road Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission for development at 221-223 Rathmines Road Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6 (on the corner of Rathmines Road Lower and Wynnefield Road) (A Protected Structure). The development will consist of the refurbishment and change of use of the buildings from vacant former retail/office/banking hall uses to provide a ground floor restaurant (c. 231m2) and 3 no. 2 bedroom residential units with terraces at 1st and 2nd floor. The works to the restaurant area at ground floor level will comprise the removal of modern internal partitions and stairs; modifications to the elevations incorporating fenestration alterations to 221 Rathmines Road Lower and a bin/bike store accessed off Wynnefield Road; a relocated entrance and a new shopfront and associated signage at 223 Rathmines Road Lower. Works will also comprise addition of new stairs between ground and first floor. The works at upper floor levels will comprise changes to the internal layouts, the removal of a modern pitched roof to the rear of No.223 to provide terraces for the 2 no. residential units at 1st floor level and a terrace for the residential unit at 2nd floor level, 2 no. new rooflights, an extension to the rear at 1st floor level (10m2) and a new dormer window to serve the residential unit at 2nd floor level. Permission is also sought for landscaping, roof plant and all ancillary and associated site development works.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3923/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 13-Nov-2017
Applicant Damien Reddy
Location Dartry House, Orwell Woods, Rathgar, Dublin 6
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission for demolition of existing bin store and railing/ wall along southeast boundary of Dartry House (A PROTECTED STRUCTURE) and on resultant cleared site construct a 3 bedroom dwelling; single storey onto the existing carpark and two storey to rear, along with the provision of 2 no. surface car parking spaces and private walled garden, and construction of a new bin store and new open space area associated with the Dartry House apartments, and all associated infrastructure and site development works including landscaping and boundary treatments at Dartry House, Orwell Woods, Rathgar, Dublin 6. Access to the proposed house will be via the existing entrance onto Orwell Woods.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3924/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 13-Nov-2017
Applicant Carl Grainger and Emma Greene
Location 32, Heytesbury Street, Dublin 8
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of repairs to the historic fabric generally, re-slating the existing main house and return, a new roof light to the valley of the main roof, replacement of existing aluminium windows with timber sash windows, internal alterations to the existing historic property, demolition of the existing single storey rear extension and adjoining boiler house, construction of a new single storey extension to the rear, a new bin/bike store to the front garden and ancillary site works.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3925/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 17-Nov-2017
Applicant Royal Dublin Society
Location RDS lands, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Royal Dublin Society intends to apply for permission for development on RDS Lands, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4. The overall RDS lands are located to the south of Merrion Road between Anglesea Road and Simmonscourt Road and between Simmonscourt Road and Shrewsbury Road and also include part of Simmonscourt Road. The RDS complex includes a number of structures which are protected structures. The development will consist of revisions to development permitted under Reg. Ref. 2617/03 (An Bord Pleanala Ref. PL29S.205688). The proposed revision comprises the removal of parts (3) and (4) of Condition No. 4 of Reg. Ref. 2617/03 (An Bord Pleanala Ref. PL29S.205688) as amended by Reg. Ref. 3560/05, relating to the occupation of permitted office floor area in advance of outstanding refurbishment/provision of RDS core facilities being completed. No works to the protected structure are proposed.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3931/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 14-Nov-2017
Applicant Ailesbury Designs Limited
Location 110, Grafton Street, Dublin 2
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will principally consist of: a change of use at ground floor level (112 sq m) from a souvenir/gift shop to an Ice-Cream Shop and associated works and signage.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3939/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 15-Nov-2017
Applicant A Walsh & K Smith
Location 64, Fitzwilliam Square North, Dublin 2
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Full planning permission is sought for: A: Works associated with alterations to use of rooms -relocation of kitchen to ground floor, use of existing rear ground floor kitchen as utility, installation of new WC in rear ground floor hall, removal of modern glazed enclosure to basement stairs for new wall and door, removal of dividing wall at first floor return to form TV room with new roof light over, formation of new openings to external walls of rear return at ground and first floor, alteration to existing window openings at ground and first floor returns, subdivision of rear second floor room for use as ensuite and walk in wardrobe, alteration to internal window opening and door opening to basement to enlarge kitchen area. B: Works associated with creating better connectivity & use of rear garden – installation of new external stairs from ground floor balcony to garden level, removal of modern steps, fence, planters and finishes to garden. New garden finishes throughout, new glazed doors to existing garage and subdivision of garage space. C: Repair works – Repointing of the front & rear facade, replacement of existing flat roof finishes, replacement of attic hatch with openable window, repairs / replacements to windows and roof lights, alterations to services, decoration works and all associated works to a terraced 4 storey over basement protected structure.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3941/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 13-Nov-2017
Applicant Sandford Park School Designated Activity
Location Sandford Park School, Sandford Road, Ranelagh, Dublin 6
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Planning permission for development on a site comprising Sandford Park School, Sandford Road, Ranelagh, Dublin 6, D06 FN29; and Protected Structures (No. 11 Sandford Road, Ranelagh, Dublin 6, D06 RC94 (Sandford Park Gate House) – RPS Ref. No7426; and the Main House, Sandford Road, Ranelagh, Dublin 6, D06 FN29 – RPS Ref. No. 7427). The development will consist of: the construction of a two-storey classroom block (comprising 10 No. classrooms, 3 No. meeting rooms, male and female toilets, lobby, plant room and covered entrance porch) measuring 1,334 sq m (Gross Floor Area) with a total height of 10.95 metres; and the removal of existing prefabricated classrooms permitted under Reg. Ref. 2677/17 and Reg. Ref. 2202/15. The development will also consist of: the repositioning of the existing sports pitches to facilitate the new proposed classroom block; a new outdoor social space to the south of the existing canteen block; permanent relocation of the existing Merton Drive site access gate (on the eastern site boundary) by approximately 17 metres to the north (which will also be used as a temporary site access for construction vehicles during the construction phase); hard and soft landscaping; and associated site excavation works above and below ground.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4172/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 14-Nov-2017
Applicant Dee Dunne
Location 39, Anna Villa, Ranelagh, Dublin 6
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of a one storey extension to the rear at lower ground level and alterations to the interior including reinstating the two existing flats at first floor and upper ground floor level into a single family dwelling. Permission is required also for the inclusion of a one bedroom Granny flat at lower ground level.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4177/16
Application Type Permission
Decision REFUSE PERMISSION     24-Oct-2017
Decision Date 17-Nov-2017
Applicant Rails Investment Ltd (In Trust)
Location Sandwith Street Upper, Dublin 2
Proposal Development at this site of c.0.265 ha bounded to the north/north-west by Pearse Street Station, bridge and railway line, to the south by Boyne Street and adjoining warehouse/industrial building fronting same, to the east by residential properties fronting Erne Street Upper and to the west by Sandwith Street Upper.

The development will consist of the following:

-Demolition of existing building ( former post office garage) ( c. 1,711sq.m gross floor area (GFA))

-Construction of a 4-7 storey over basement, office building with a total GFA of c.10,187sq.m.

-Ancillary areas including reception, staff dining/ meeting area, WCs, changing facilities with showers, plant, storage, services, sub-station.

– East facing terrace (c.100sq.m) at 4th floor level .Green roof (with photovoltaic panels)

– New pedestrian route through the site. Vehicular/service access via existing Boyne Street access to the south.18 no surface car parking spaces.100 bicycle parking spaces at basement level.

– All associated site development works, services provision, landscaping, and boundary treatment works.




Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4217/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 17-Nov-2017
Applicant Antony & Natalia O’Carroll
Location 89, Anglesea Road, Dublin 4
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Demolition of existing outhouses and the erection of a double garage with a pitched roof family room above fronting onto the laneway at the rear.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4223/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 16-Nov-2017
Applicant Vincent Gough
Location 7, Larkfield Gardens, Harolds Cross, Dublin 6
Proposal Permission to construct a 2 storey detached pitched roofed dwelling, with two new vehicular entrances [to serve existing & proposed dwellings].



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1494/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 13-Nov-2017
Applicant Jim and Clare Griffin
Location 11, Merlyn Park, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Proposal Planning Permission is being sought to extend the ground floor rear living spaces – kitchen, dining room and living room, additional conservation standard rooflight to the front elevation, new replacement windows and front gate opening widened for access.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1499/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 16-Nov-2017
Applicant Paul McKenna
Location Site to the rear of 29, Grand Canal Street Upper, off Cranmer Lane, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Proposal Paul McKenna intends to apply for modifications to previously approved mews dwelling house (planning reference number WEB1289/17) to include additional basement level accommodation (82 sqm.). The site (0.017 hectares) is to the rear of No. 29 Grand Canal Street Upper, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, accessed only from Cranmer Lane.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1500/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 15-Nov-2017
Applicant Ronan & Michele Allen
Location 40, South Hill, Dartry, Dublin 6
Proposal Conversion of an existing single storey semi-basement void space to garden room with new doors and windows to rear of dwelling at 40 South Hill, Dartry, Dublin 6.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1503/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 13-Nov-2017
Applicant Paul Colleran and Claire O Hara
Location 1A, Lea Road, Sandymount, Dublin 4
Proposal The development will consist of:

•Demolition of the existing side and rear single storey extensions.

•Construction of new single storey extension to rear of existing dwelling.

•New two storey extension to side of the existing dwelling including part single storey extension to the side of the existing dwelling (forward of existing building line).

•All associated internal and external alterations, site, drainage and landscaping works.

•Alterations to the front boundary wall.





Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1504/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 16-Nov-2017
Applicant Shane & Donna Kilkenny
Location ”Granite Mews Annex”, Granite Mews, Grosvenor Lane, Rathmines, Dublin 6
Proposal 2-storey extension to the rear of ‘Granite Mews Annex’ consisting of a kitchen and dining area on the ground floor and a double bedroom, bathroom and ensuite on the first floor, together with a right of way for car parking and access to Grosvenor Lane at the front of Granite Mews.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1537/17
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 17-Nov-2017
Applicant Camilla Cullinane and Thomas O’Brien
Location 13, Mountpleasant Terrace, Ranelagh, Dublin 6
Proposal The widening of the front gateway and internal remodeling of the existing terraced house, along with the replacement of the single storey return and extension with a two storey gallery and extension, to the rear of the property.





Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3077/17
Appeal Type Written Evidence
Applicant Anne Neary & Conor Farren
Location Rear of 173, Rathgar Road, Dublin 6
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE – Planning permission for the demolition of non original garden pavilion and construction of a new 2 storey detached 3 bedroom mews house (195sqm) with first floor roof terrace (7.5sqm) enclosed by a 1.8m high opaque screen using the existing off street parking and vehicular access off Rathgar Place, and associated site works on a 0.0399 ha. site to the rear.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3674/17
Appeal Type Written Evidence
Applicant Paul Mangan, acting on behalf of,, Members of the Board of the College
Location Blocks 1, 2 and 3 at the Halls of Residences, Trinity Hall, Dartry, Dublin 6
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The Provost, Fellows, Foundation Scholars and other Members of the Board of the College of the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth near Dublin  intend to apply for permission for development at this site Blocks 1, 2 and 3 at the Halls of Residences, Trinity Hall, Dartry, Dublin 6. The site is bounded by Dartry Road, Palmerston Park and Temple Road, Dartry, Dublin 6. The development consists of permission to amend Condition No. 3 of An Bord Pleanala Reference PL 29S.117164 (Dublin City Council Planning Reference 1101/99), (a) to facilitate the use of existing student accommodation as temporary tourist or visitor accommodation only outside of academic term times and (b) to be used to accommodate any student registered in a Higher Education Institute during the academic term times, at Blocks 1, 2 and 3 at the Halls of Residences at Trinity Hall, Dartry, Dublin 6. Trinity Hall, the original building, Sara Purser House and ”Greenane” are protected structures located on the overall Trinity Hall site.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3645/17
Appeal Type Written Evidence
Applicant Paul Mangan, Director of Services, Trinity College Dublin
Location Block 1 at the Halls of Residences, Trinity Hall, Dartry, Dublin 6
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: We, the Provost, Fellows, Foundation Scholars and other Members of the Board of the College of the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth near Dublin, intend to apply for permission for development at this site.

The site is bounded by Dartry Road, Palmerston Park and Temple Road, Dartry, Dublin 6.

The development consists of the change of use of part of the existing student accommodation in Block 1, to 30 temporary classrooms outside of the  academic term times amending permission An Bord Pleanála Ref.: PL29S.117164 (Dublin City Council Planning Ref. 1101/99).

Trinity Hall the original building, Sara Purser House and ‘Greenane’ are Protected Structures located on the overall Trinity Hall site.


***Amendment to Week 45/17***



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3668/17
Appeal Type Written Evidence
Applicant Gearóid O Gaibheachain
Location  106, Kimmage Road Lower, Kimmage, Dublin 6w
Proposal Planning Permisson sought for the works 106 Kimmage Road Lower, Dublin 6w D6W ER82, an existing two-storey four-bedroom semi-detached single dwelling

(i) Demolition of an existing single storey shed to the rear & partial demolition of the existing two-storey return to the rear of the existing house;

(ii) the construction of a new two storey extension to the rear of the existing house to accommodate a new kitchen / living / dining room & WC to the ground floor & two new bedrooms & a bathroom to the first floor, the new extension is to be part-flat roofed at both ground & first floor levels and is to retain the existing sloped roof of the return to the rear of the house, a new flat roof roof light is proposed to be provided above the ground floor part of the new extension to the rear;

(iii) the conversion of the existing attic space into habitable accommodation to provide a new ensuite bedroom with a new dormer structure to be provided to the rear slope of the main roof, the total number of bedrooms to the extended house to be increased to six;

(iv) the provision of a second smaller dormer structure to the rear slope of the main roof to provide headroom over a new internal stairs up to the new attic bedroom ;

(v) the provision of a new velux-type roof light to the rear slope of the main roof over the new stairs;

(vi) the provision of a new velux-type roof light to the front slope of the main roof over the proposed new attic Ensuite;

(vii) the provision of a solar panel array to the west facing slope of the existing roof over the return to the rear of the house;

(viii) widening two existing window opes to the rear wall of the main part of the house, one at ground floor level & one at first floor level;

(ix)the provision of one new off-street car-parking space to the front of the house, accessed from Kimmage Road Lower, and the provision of new vehicular entrance gates and retaining walls & railings within the site to facilitate this;

(x) the provision of external insulation to the existing west facing side / gable wall and to part of the rear wall of the main part of the house;

(xi) other internal renovations & refurbishments and site works to facilitate the development.


***Amendment to Week 45/17***






Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2353/17
Appeal Decision Date 14-Nov-2017
Applicant Jamie Moran
Location 0.0278 Ha site to the rear of,16A, Kenilworth Road (a Protected Structure), on the corner of Kenilworth Lane East and Kenilworth Lane South Rathgar, Dublin 6
Proposal Permission for a) The construction of a 190 sq.m. two storey detached three bedroom dwelling, b) The demolition and re-construction, with reused and salvaged granite, of the existing boundary wall to Kenilworth Lane East and Kenilworth Lane South, and the construction of a new salvaged granite boundary wall to the rear boundary of the garden, c) The widening of the existing vehicular entrance gate on Kenilworth Lane East along with a new pedestrian gate, d) The provision 2 no. off street car park space, and e) All Associated siteworks at the 0.0278 Ha site to the rear of 16a Kenilworth Road (a Protected Structure), on the corner of Kenilworth Lane East and Kenilworth Lane South, Rathgar, Dublin 6.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3039/17
Appeal Decision Date 13-Nov-2017
Applicant Anthony & Marguerite Drennan
Location 21, Bath Avenue Gardens, Sandymount, Dublin 4
Proposal The development will consist of alterations and additions to include the construction of a first floor extension over existing ground floor extension to the side and rear of existing 2-storey, 2-bed end of terrace house to provide 2 no. bedrooms (Master bedroom and bedroom 3) in lieu of existing Bedroom No. 2 and all ancillary site development works.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3246/17
Appeal Decision Date 16-Nov-2017
Applicant Dermot & Colm O’Donnell
Location 64 and 66, Northumberland Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: To re-instate no. 64 and 66 Northumberland Road, Dublin 4, protected structures, to 2 single dwelling houses from apartments; works include internal alterations, new sanitary services, the replacement of modern lean-to extension at ground floor to front of no. 64 with a sunroom, the construction of a first floor room over existing side wing to no. 66 to match that of no. 64, the construction of single-storey extensions to rear with roof terraces, the renewal of services, re-pointing of brick work to front and associated conservation and ancillary works.



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 2614/17
Appeal Decision Date 08-Nov-2017
Applicant Dale Vision Ltd.
Location 7-8, Lower Mount Street, Dublin 2
Proposal To carry out a development involving the demolition of the existing building, in use as a licensed premises with roof garden and night club and the construction of a 6 storey building.

The new building (with a total floor area of 3,008 sq.m) will be used as a boutique hotel containing a reception area with bar at ground floor a total of 53 guest bedrooms on levels 1-4 (with a terrace at the side elevation of Level 3 facing west and at the front elevation at Level 4 facing Lower Mount Street) and a roof-top licensed restaurant with associated roof terraces at Level 5. The hotel basement is to contain function rooms, a meeting room, storage and plant rooms. The proposed development will also contain services and all other ancillary works to service the hotel.


***Amendment to Week 45/17***




Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 3396/16
Appeal Decision Date 08-Nov-2017
Applicant Brian Bagnall
Location Gate Lodge, Simmonscourt Castle, Simmonscourt Road, Dublin 4
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for development at a site at: Gate Lodge, Simmonscourt Castle, Simmonscourt Road, Dublin 4, which is located within the curtilage of the adjacent Simmonscourt Castle ruin (a protected structure).

The development will consist of: The conservation of the existing gate lodge/cottage and the demolition of the modern adjoining out building and the boundary walls on the site. The construction of a two-storey extension of the existing gate lodge/cottage to provide a 1-bed detached dwelling, including a private garden between the proposed dwelling and the Simmonscourt Castle ruin. Access to the house is proposed across the existing gravelled area in front of and to the north of the existing Simmonscourt Castle ruin.


***Amendment to Week 45/17***



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number 4265/16
Appeal Decision Date 09-Nov-2017
Applicant Lexicon Systems
Location 35, Wellington Lane, Dublin 4 Co. Dublin (D04 C8X2),
Proposal Planning permission is sought for the proposed demolition of existing single storey dwelling house and the proposed construction of a new 3 bedroom two storey dwelling with attic accommodation to include 2 No. Velux roof lights to rear slope and 2 No. Velux roof lights to front slope of roof, a new front boundary wall with pedestrian and vehicular entrance, and is to include all ancillary site development and landscaping work.

***Amendment to Week 45/17***



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1260/17
Appeal Decision Date 09-Nov-2017
Applicant Susan Cassidy
Location 28, Irishtown Road, Ringsend, Dublin 4
Proposal The development will consist of the construction of one single family house at the site to the rear of No.28 Irishtown Road, Ringsend, Dublin 4. The development will consist of the construction of one new 89 sq.m. one-storey two-bedroom single family house with a front courtyard and pedestrian access via an established right of way through No.’s 8a, 8b and 8c The Square onto Ropewalk Place, Ringsend Dublin 4. Proposed accommodation consists of an entrance hall, kitchen/dining/living, two bedrooms, bathroom, study, two courtyards and rear garden, including rooflights, monopitched and flat roofs and sundry other minor works.

***Amendment to Week 45/17***



Area Area 1 – South East
Application Number WEB1414/16
Appeal Decision Date 09-Nov-2017
Applicant 3FE Coffee Ltd.
Location 7, Sussex Mews, Sussex Terrace, Dublin 4
Proposal The Development will consist of reusing existing private driveway as a garden courtyard for private use of shop customers including bench seating, 3.5m x 5m fabric awning, bicycle parking, low level lighting, art and associated landscaping.

***Amendment to Week 45/17***





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