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Weekly Planning Lists


Article 27(2), Planning & Development Regulations 2001-2007

(a)  Under section 34 of the Act, the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused.

(b)  It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.

Article 32, Planning & Development Regulations 2001 –2007

(a)  In deciding a planning application the planning authority, in accordance with section 34(3) of the Act, has had regard to submissions or observations received in accordance with these Regulations”


(b)  It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications.

Planning Information Sessions

Qualified staff members are available by appointment to explain the content of current planning applications.


The service is being provided to assist members of the public and residents groups in understanding planning applications currently part of the planning process. The service is not intended to provide general planning advice or to assist in the drafting of submissions in relation to planning objections, observations and appeals.


All queries in relation to site specific planning guidance or pre-application discussion should be directed to the area planner, Planning Department, Block 4, Floor 3, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.


Please contact the relevant area office number below to make an appointment and to ensure that the relevant documentation will be made available on the day of your visit.


Area Contact Number
Meeting Location
Central Area

South Central Area

South East Area

North West Area

North Central Area






222 8870

Sean McDermott Street

Crumlin Area Office

Contact Area Office for location

Finglas Area Office

Bunratty Area Office





Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2919/16
Application Type Permission
Applicant Pat Burke, BAM Property Ltd
Location Junction of Mill Street and Blackpitts, Dublin 8 (Tenter’s Pub)
Proposal Permission to undertake modifications to a permitted mixed use development (Reg. Ref. 2768/09, as extended to 27th August 2019 under Reg. Ref. 2768/09/x1 and further modified under Reg. Ref. 3755/15) at the junction of Blackpitts and Mill Street in Dublin 8 (Tenter’s Pub). Permission is sought to further modify the permitted hotel, with specific reference to the existing facade of the Tenter’s public house which it was proposed to retain under Reg. Ref. 3755/15. Due to structural issues arising from further investigations, it is now proposed, in the interest of safety, to demolish the facade facing Mill St and Blackpitts and replace same with a replica facade to match existing, apart from a minor change involving additional windows instead of existing panelling. All associated site works.
Registration Date 26-Aug-2016
  Additional Information Received
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3180/16
Application Type Permission
Applicant Crestland Ltd
Location The KCR Industrial Estate, Kimmage, Dublin 12
Proposal Permission is sought for relocation of existing site vehicular access. Works to include removal and blocking up of existing vehicular access. Demolition of a single storey prefabricated office building and provision of new vehicular and pedestrian access to the western side of the existing Ravensdale Park Road boundary adjacent to the existing adjoining service laneway exit to provide for the rationalisation of the existing on site traffic flow.
Registration Date 23-Aug-2016
  Additional Information Received
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1343/16
Application Type Permission
Applicant Eoin Foyle
Location 22, Cameron Square, Kilmainham, Dublin 8
Proposal The development consists of the construction of one, three storey [two and a half storeys above street / entry level], end of terrace dwelling, at 22 CameronSquare, Kilmainham, Dublin 8. The development consists of the subdivision of the existing site, the closing in of 2 no. existing windows to the gable of no. 22, the removal of an existing external staircase from no. 22 to the site of the proposed dwelling, together with the demolition of existing sheds and garages,front garden area acccessed by sliding door, external terraces to the side and rear of the new dwelling, situated half a level above street level, associated ancillary works, including improvements to the boundary wall to the adjacent lane.
Registration Date 25-Aug-2016
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3549/16
Application Type Retention Permission
Applicant Meimei Xie
Location 18, Meath Street, Dublin 8
Proposal RETENTION: Retention is sought  for 14 No. white PVC windows at First and Second Floor Level, 4 No. of which face East on to Meath Street, 8 No. which face South on to Earl Street South and 2 No. of which face West on to the existing yard of the above property.
Registration Date 16-Aug-2016
  ***Amendment to Week 34***






Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3576/16
Application Type Permission
Applicant Jim Freir
Location 51, Tyrconnell Park, Inchicore, Dublin 8
Proposal Planning permission for removal of existing front boundary railings, gate & plinth. Construction of partial walls, 2 no pillars, gated vehicular entrance & partial dishing of kerb.
Registration Date 23-Aug-2016
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3589/16
Application Type Retention Permission
Applicant Stephen Rice
Location 77, Aughavannagh Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12
Proposal RETENTION: Planning permission for Retention of single storey bedroom extension to front and for alterations to previously granted permission Reg. Ref. 2672/15 and PL29S.245140, to include the replacement of a flat roof over part of the extension to the rear with a pitched roof, and a parapet wall along the adjoining boundary with No. 79 only, with alterations to  internal layout and all associated site and drainage works.
Registration Date 25-Aug-2016
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1338/16
Application Type Permission
Applicant JIM ROCHE
Location 19, Rutledge Terrace, Dublin 8
Proposal Construction of a new rear dormer at attic level and associated internal works
Registration Date 25-Aug-2016
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1339/16
Application Type Permission
Applicant Niamh Rodgers
Location 22, Donore Road, Dublin 8
Proposal Demolition of existing single storey extension and shed to the rear. Construction of two storey extension to rear with single storey element to rear, dormer on roof to rear to facilitate attic conversion. Repair rear garden wall and all associated site works.
Registration Date 25-Aug-2016
Area Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1342/16
Application Type Permission
Applicant Mr. Eoin Foyle
Location 22, Cameron Square, Kilmainham, Dublin 8
Proposal The development consists of the construction of one, three storey [two and a half storeys above street / entry level], end of terrace dwelling, at 22 Cameron Square, Kilmainham, Dublin 8. The development consists of the subdivision of the existing site, the closing in of 2 no. existing windows to the gable of no. 22, the removal of an existing external staircase from no. 22 to the site of the proposed dwelling, together with the demolition of existing sheds and garages, front garden area acccessed by sliding door, external terraces to the side and rear of the new dwelling, situated half a level above street level, associated ancillary works, including improvements to the boundary wall to the adjacent lane.
Registration Date 25-Aug-2016
















Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 0314/16
Application Type Social Housing Exemption Certificate
Decision Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert
Decision Date 22-Aug-2016
Applicant Eoin Foyle
Location 22, Cameron Square, Kilmainham, Dublin 8
Proposal SHEC: Construction of 1 no. 3 storey (2.5 storeys above Street) end of terrace dwelling, consisting of subdivision of the existing site, the closing in of 2 windows to gable no. 22, removal of existing external stairs to no. 22, together with the demolition of existing sheds & garages, including improvements to existing lane.




Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3220/16
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 22-Aug-2016
Applicant Hattington Student Housing Ltd
Location Nos. 30 & 32-36 Thomas Street & 10 Hanbury Lane, Dublin 8
Proposal Hattington Student Housing Ltd intends to apply for Permission for development at Nos. 30 & 32-36 Thomas Street and 10 Hanbury Lane, Dublin 8. The overall site of 0.31 Ha is bounded generally to the north by Thomas Street, to the west by St. Catherine’s Lane West, to the east by No. 37 Thomas Street, to the south by an existing office building on the corner of Hanbury lane and St. Catherine’s Lane West and the Hanbury Court Apartments on the corner of Hanbury Lane and Swam Alley. The development comprises:- Modifications to accommodation at Lower Ground floor level to accommodate an additional 13 no. student accommodation bed spaces at Lower Ground floor, including an extension southwards to Block C; An additional 6 no. student accommodation bed spaces are provided within an extension to Block C at Ground and First Floor levels over lower ground floor, including an external fire escape; Overall, an increase of 19 no. student accommodation bed spaces are proposed; An increase in the overall gross floor area within the scheme from 7,692 sqm (permitted) to 7,775 sqm (proposed); Associated adjustments to the landscaping in the external courtyard spaces. These proposed changes amend the Student Accommodation facility permitted under Register Ref. 2453/15. The already permitted scheme provides 244 student bed spaces with ancillary facilities, together with the conservation and refurbishment of Nos. 30 & 32-36 Thomas Street. The overall scheme, if permitted, will comprise 263 student accommodation bed spaces.




Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3246/16
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 25-Aug-2016
Applicant Tom Kavanagh (Receiver)
Location 363, Ballyfermot Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10
Proposal Tom Kavanagh as Receiver over Certain Assets of Gala Leisure (In Receivership) intend to apply for planning permission for change of use of a former bingo hall known as the Gala bingo hall into a retail store. The proposed works will consist of modifications to existing elevations, including replacing the existing signage with new signage, removal of existing signage to the side elevations, new delivery access at the rear of site (Blackditch Road), modifications to internal layout to convert to a retail store with all associated works internally & externally.




Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3249/16
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 25-Aug-2016
Applicant Aoife McGuigan
Location 177, Bangor Road, Kimmage, Dublin 12
Proposal The renovation and extension. The proposed works will consist of the proposed construction of a new partial 2-storey building to side and rear of property and partial single-storey extension to rear of property. Proposed works to measure a total of 39 sq.m additional floor area, to include new kitchen/ living/ dining, utility & WC, at ground floor level, additional bedroom and family bathroom at first floor level. External works include widening of existing entrance, along with all associated external services, drainage and landscaping in conjunction with developments.




Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3258/16
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 26-Aug-2016
Applicant Sean Grehan
Location WSAF Community Hall, Moeran Road, Somerville Drive, Walkinstown, Dublin 12
Proposal The development will consist of the change of use of one room within the hall from Mother & Toddler group meeting room to Montessori, to accommodate 20 children on a part time basis.




Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3268/16
Application Type Retention Permission
Decision Date 23-Aug-2016
Applicant Thomas Nolan
Location 131, Benmadigan Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12
Proposal RETENTION: The construction of a dormer extension to rear of existing roof/ attic space, construction of single-storey flat roof shed to rear garden and minor alterations to previously approved (Ref.No.: 2472/96) double extension to rear of existing dwelling.




Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3275/16
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 26-Aug-2016
Applicant Diageo Ireland Ltd.
Location Diageo Lands, including parts of the Guinness Brewery lands to the north of James’s Street, Dublin 8
Proposal PROTECTED STRUCTURE: (The subject site contains two Protected Structures: granite piers and the Guinness Building on Victoria Quay known as Victoria Quay House). The subject site is bound by Victoria Quay to the north and Watling Street to the east, and existing brewery areas to the south and west ( St. Johns Road West & Steeven’s Lane). The development will consist of: 7 no. (non-illuminated) wayfinding signs (540mm W x 540mm H) for Guinness Storehouse to be attached to existing Diageo boundary walls and structures.




Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 3545/16
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 24-Aug-2016
Applicant Elizabeth Moore
Location 179, Downpatrick Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12
Proposal The development will consist of the demolition and removal of the existing single storey kitchen extension to the rear of the existing property, and the construction of a new 2 storey extension to rear of existing property.




Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 4130/15
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 23-Aug-2016
Applicant Paul Mallon
Location 130, Bunting Road, Walkinstown, Dublin 12
Proposal The development will consist of a detached 2-storey 1-bedroom dwelling to rear, with access of Bigger Lane.




Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1267/16
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 23-Aug-2016
Applicant Derek Harford
Location 265, Captain’s Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12
Proposal Permission is sought for a new vehicular access to front garden with new

piers & gates.Permission to dish existing footpath to proposed access and associated site






Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1329/16
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 22-Aug-2016
Applicant JIM ROCHE
Location 19, Rutledge Terrace, Dublin 8
Proposal The construction of a new rear dormer at attic level and associated internal works




Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1330/16
Application Type Permission
Decision Date 22-Aug-2016
Applicant Niamh Rodgers
Location 22, Donore Road, Dublin 8
Proposal The development will consist of demolition of existing single storey extension and shed to the rear. Construction of two storey extension to rear with single storey element to rear, dormer on roof to rear to facilitate attic conversion. Repair rear garden wall and all associated site works.












Area 2 – South Central
Application Number 2444/16
Appeal Decision Date 26-Aug-2016
Applicant Solum Ltd
Location 11, Ballyfermot Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10
Proposal RETENTION: Retention permission for a single storey shed (open on one side) as a local enterprise centre to accommodate the sale of fuel (coal and timber only) and the sale of cars. Retention permission is also sought for a temporary single storey portacabin for use as an office.






Area 2 – South Central
Application Number WEB1103/16
Appeal Decision Date 22-Aug-2016
Applicant Rosyln Collins and John Flashman
Location 18, Downpatrick Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12
Proposal The development will consist of the demolition of a non-original single storey rear return (6sq.m), the construction of a new two storey extension to the side and rear ( GF 25m², FF 26m²), 5 no. velux rooflights and all associated site works.





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