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Planning Permissions Round Up June/July

Planning Permissions Round Up June/July – As part of a new series, our reporter Shane Adlum highlights the biggest developments in the monthly planning permissions.  This week the Black Horse pub gets Stay of excution!


Inchicore Road is to see some large development with the building of a four storey which will accommodate up to 16 apartments.  Planning permission below


Area Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 2738/19

Application Type Permission

Applicant Covelo Developmnents Ltd.

Location Site to the rear and side of The Laurels, 54, Inchicore Road, Kilmainham, Dublin 8

Registration Date 28/06/2019

Additional Information Additional Information Received

Proposal: Planning permission for a residential development on a site to the rear and side of The Laurels, no. 54 Inchicore Road, Kilmainham, Dublin 8. The application site has an area of 0.14 hectares and is bound by Inchicore Road and no. 54 Inchicore Road to the south, a railway line to the north, existing residential development to the east and lands associated with no. 56 Inchicore Road to the west. The proposed development includes the demolition of two existing outbuildings and the construction of a four storey residential building to the rear of the site and one three storey, three-bedroom house fronting onto Inchicore Road. The four storey residential building will accommodate 16 no. apartments, comprising 8 no. two bedroom units, 6 no. one bedroom units and 2 no. studio units. Balconies are provided for the residential apartments on the south elevation. The development includes bicycle parking, car parking (10 no. spaces), landscaping, boundary treatments, services, vehicular and pedestrian access from Inchicore Road, private and communal open spaces and all associated works.



Broadband improvements are being made on Cork Street to improve internet speeds. Planning permission below


Area Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 3385/19

Application Type Permission

Applicant Cignal Infrastructure Limited

Location Existing 20m High Chimney, Urban Plant Life, 110-111, Cork Street, Dublin 8

Registration Date 01/07/2019

Additional Information

Proposal: Planning permission for the erection of new telecommunications equipment including 3 no. antennas and associated remote radio units and 2 no. communication dishes all mounted on standoff support poles with associated cable management (all coloured to match existing chimney), a PDB and 3 no. outdoor cabinets and all enclosed within a security compound by a 1.8m high timber fence with a 1.5m access gate, site access and site works to include a fibre chamber at Existing 20m High Chimney, Urban Plant Life, 110-111 Cork Street, Dublin 8. The development will provide voice and mobile broadband services in the area.


The Dean Street site were recently artefacts from the Viking period have been discovered, is also the site of protected structure owing, which is currently being renovated into a commercial unit with residential spaces.  Planning permission below

Area Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 3407/19

Application Type Permission

Applicant Dean Street Properties Limited

Location 1, Dean Street, Dublin 8

Registration Date 03/07/2019

Additional Information

Proposal: PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of external and internal renovations, internal alterations to the existing structure to allow for no. 1 commercial unit and no. 5 residential units (no. 3 one bedroom and no. 2 two bedrooms), single storey extension to the back of the structure comprising residential storage, connection to existing on site services and all associated site works, all within the curtilage of a Protected Structure no. 2283, NIAH reg. no. 50080634. This site is located within the Zone of Archaeological Interest.


Permission was granted for a large residential development on Pim Street consisting of 29 residential units. Planning permission below

Area Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 2290/19

Application Type Permission


Decision Date 04/07/2019

Applicant Durkan (Pim Street) Ltd. Location 6, 6A and 7, Pim Street, Dublin 8

Additional Information Additional Information Received

Proposal: Permission for a residential development on this overall site of c. 0.07 ha. The proposed development shall comprise the demolition of the on site vacant 2-storey dwelling unit and vacant 1-storey shed, and provide for the construction of 29 no. residential units in the form of 1 no. 2 to 6 storey apartment building. The development shall provide for 11 no. studio apartments, 12 no. 1 bed apartments and 6 no. 2 bed apartments, all with associated private balcony/terrace/roof garden areas. Pedestrian access only is proposed, and is provided from Pim Street. The proposed development shall also provide for 29 no. sheltered bicycle parking spaces, 15 visitor bicycle parking spaces and bin storage at surface level; a 181 sqm landscaped communal open space area at ground level; all boundary treatment and landscaping works and all associated site development works.


The famous Black Horse Pub (and now Luas Stop) will not be knocked down for a large scale apartment block consisting of 56 apartments. The council refused planning permission.

Area Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 4416/18

Application Type Permission


Decision Date 03/07/2019

Applicant Tom Kelly of Daniel House

Location 229-235 (inclusive) Tyrconnell Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8

Additional Information Clarification of Add. Information Recd.

Proposal: The proposed development consists of the demolition of the Blackhorse Inn public house and the adjoining pair of semi-detached houses at No.s 229 & 231 Tyrconnell Road (total demolition: 976m2). The proposed development consists of the construction of a 3-7 storey building, accommodating 56 no. apartments, comprised of 37 no. 1 bed apartments and 19 no. 2 bedroom apartments, with all apartments to have balconies/ ground floor terraces. The proposed development also provides for a ground floor cafe (106.4m2), with associated outdoor terrace. Vehicular access to the development will be from Tyrconnell Road, with a proposed car lift to the underground car park which accommodates 6 no. car parking spaces & 40 no. bicycle parking spaces. At surface level, there will be 4 no. car spaces & 16 no. bicycle parking spaces. The development also provides for all associated site development works, hard and soft landscaping, boundary treatments, ground floor refuse/storage/plant rooms (43.5m2), all on a site area of 0.16ha.


Area Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 2729/19

Appeal Type Written Evidence

Applicant Panacea Ventures Limited

Location ‘Park Cottage’, 2 Chapelizod Road (D08HX9A) & ‘Fatima’ 2A, Chapelizod Road, (D08HC5Y), Islandbridge, Dublin 8

Additional Information

Proposal: Planning permission is sought for the following development: (i) Demolition of 2 no. existing dwellings, ‘Park Cottage’ two storey, ‘Fatima’ single storey and outbuildings; (ii) Construction of a four-storey over basement apartment development consisting of 7 no. two bedroom and 2 no. one bedroom apartments each with an associated balcony / terrace areas and a setback at third floor level; (iii) 2 no. car parking spaces, a bin store and bicycle parking will be provided at ground-floor level along with a car lift to serve basement; (iv) 8 no. car parking spaces and plant will be provided at basement level and, (v) new pedestrian and vehicular access onto Chapelizod Road, landscaping, boundary treatments, SuDS drainage and all ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development.



Area Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 2453/19

Application Type Permission


Decision Date 20/06/2019

Applicant Vabtol Limited

Location Site to the rear of 205A, Emmet Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8

Additional Information Additional Information Received

Proposal: Amendment to Planning Ref. No. 3635/16 for the previous approved 4-storey apartment development in the backlands for the increase in height to six storey building above semi-basement level consisting of: 6 no. one-bed, 18 no. two-bed apartments; which include balconies to the north, west & south elevations, additional covered bike storage areas, refuse store, with revised 18 no. car parking spaces off vehicular access road from Emmet Road, with associated landscaping & site works.



Area Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 3144/19

Application Type Permission


Decision Date 12/06/2019

Applicant Dauken Ltd.

Location 28-34, Braithwaite Street, & 63-66 Pimlico, Dublin 8

Additional Information

Proposal: Planning permission for a social housing & ESB sub-station development comprising 20 one-bed apartments & 31 two-bed apartments at 28-34 Braithwaite Street and 63-66 Pimlico, Dublin 8. The development is in two blocks with heights ranging from two storeys facing St. Margaret’s Avenue to a set back sixth storey facing Braithwaite Street. The development is a total of 4,702 square metres.


Area Area 2 – South Central

Application Number 2022/19


Appeal Decision Date @12/06/2019

Applicant Tony Goldrick

Location 5, Echlin Street, Dublin 8

Additional Information

Proposal: The development will consist of 1. Demolition of existing derelict two storey property and workshop located to the rear of the existing property 2. Construction of a retail unit (100sq.m) at ground floor level 3. Construction of 3 number two bedroom apartments (73 sq.m) at first, second and third floor levels, and for construction of 1 number one bedroom apartment ()58sq.m) at fourth floor level, including for the provision of private balconies to each apartment 4. For the provision of all access hallways, stairs and lift to the proposed residential units (4 in total) 5. For the provision of private open space amenities by the way of a walled garden 6. To connect the proposed development to adjoining public services, such as foul and surface water sewer and also to the adjoining public water main 7. The floor area of the entire 5 storey development will be 511 sq.m with the overall height of 14.5m 8. And for all associated site development works.

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